Megan Lobdell, Brian Croop and Hubert Lobo: DatapointLabs, Ithaca, NY, USA
April 28, 2015 | by DatapointLabs | views 5120
There is interest in quantifying the accuracy of different material models being used in LS-DYNA today for the modeling of plastics. In our study, we characterize two ductile, yet different materials, ABS and polypropylene for rate dependent tensile properties and use the data to develop material parameters for the material models commonly used for plastics: MAT_024 and its variants, MAT_089 and MAT_187. We then perform a falling dart impact test which produces a complex multi-axial stress state and simulate this experiment using LS-DYNA. For each material model we are able to compare simulation to actual experiment thereby obtaining a measure of fidelity of the simulation to reality. In this way, we can assess the benefits of using a particular material model for plastics simulation.
Megan Lobdell, Brian Croop and Hubert Lobo: DatapointLabs, Ithaca, NY, USA
Mechanical Plastics Rate Dependency LS-DYNA Research Papers Validation
A Standardized Mechanism to Validate Crash Models for Ductile Plastics
A Novel Technique to Measure Tensile Properties of Plastics at High Strain Rates
A Comparative Review of Damage and Failure Models and a Tabulated Generalization
A Constitutive Formulation for Polymers Subjected to High Strain Rates