February 05, 2018 | by Datapoint Newsletters | views 6421
Focus on Validation of Simulation: CAETestBench Validation for crash, additive manufacturing, injection molding, rubber hyperelasticity; Review of NAFEMS publication on V&V.
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High Speed Testing
Injection Molding
Structural Analysis
3D Printing
November 15, 2017 | by Altair Engineering | views 4220
Simulation uncertainties arise from different assumptions made in model creation. Mid-stage software validations improve confidence and optimize the design of additively manufactured aerospace components.
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Aerospace and Defense
Structural Analysis
3D Printing
October 07, 2017 | by DatapointLabs | views 5533
Physically accurate simulation is a requirement for initiatives such as late-stage prototyping, additive manufacturing, and digital twinning. Simulations use mathematical models to replicate physical reality. Verification and validation
(V&V) is an important step for high-fidelity simulation. While verification is a way to check the accuracy of these
models, factors such as simulation settings, element type, mesh size, choice of material model, material parameter conversion process, quality and suitability of material property data used can have a large impact on simulation quality. Validation presents a means to check simulation accuracy against a physical experiment.
These validations are a valuable tool to measure solver accuracy prior to use in product development. Confidence is gained that the simulation replicates real-life physical
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3D Printing
June 14, 2017 | by Hubert Lobo | views 4882
DatapointLabs Technical Center for Materials has a mission to strengthen the materials core of manufacturing enterprises by facilitating the use of new materials, novel manufacturing processes, and simulation-based product development. A whole-process approach is needed to address the role of materials in this context.
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Nonlinear Material Models
Structural Analysis
3D Printing
Materials Information Management
June 12, 2017 | by DatapointLabs | views 4603
Physically accurate simulation is a requirement for initiatives such as late-stage prototyping, additive manufacturing and digital twinning. The use of mid-stage validation has been shown to be a valuable tool to measure solver accuracy prior to use in simulation. Factors such as simulation settings, element type, mesh size, choice of material model, the material model parameter conversion process, quality and suitability of material property data used can all be evaluated. These validations do not use real-life parts, but instead use carefully designed standardized geometries in a controlled physical test that probes the accuracy of the simulation. With this a priori knowledge, it is possible to make meaningful design decisions. Confidence is gained that the simulation replicates real-life physical behavior. We present three case studies using different solvers and materials, which illustrate the broad applicability of this technique.
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Structural Analysis
Research Papers
3D Printing
June 07, 2016 | by DatapointLabs | views 5790
With the advent of 3D printing and additive manufacturing, manufacturing designs previously thought difficult to produce can now be generated quickly and efficiently and without tooling. In the aerospace industry, weight is often tied directly to cost and is thus of great importance to any engineering design. Traditionally, the design process often involves much iteration between the designer and the analyst, where the designer submits a design to the analyst, and then the analyst completes his or her analysis and sends recommendations back to the designer. The process is repeated until a valid design meets the analysis criteria. The design is then handed to the manufacturing team which then may have additional constraints or concerns and iterations can continue. Additive manufacturing coupled with topology optimization allows the design and analysis loops and manufacturing iterations to be reduced significantly or even eliminated. The critical step is to ensure that the part will perform as simulated.
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Aerospace and Defense
Structural Analysis
Research Papers
3D Printing
January 11, 2016 | by Altair Engineering | views 4247
Finite element analysis contains assumptions and uncertainty from a number of sources, which can impact the fidelity of the simulation. This uncertainty is often left untested up to prototyping stages. DatapointLabs’ CAETestbench Validation service was developed to add a mid-stage validation step to a designer’s workflow, to test these simulations before parts are made, in order to build confidence in an engineer’s model beforehand. This validation step is illustrated in a 3D printing application.
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3D Printing
September 15, 2015 | by Altair Engineering | views 5037
With the growing interest in additive manufacturing in the aerospace industry, there is a desire to accurately simulate the behavior of components made by this process. The layer by layer print process appears to create a morphology that is different from that from conventional manufacturing processes. This can have dramatic impact on the material properties, which in turn, can affect how the material is modeled in simulation. We tested an additively manufactured metal part for mechanical properties and validated the material model used in a linear static simulation.
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Aerospace and Defense
CAE Vendor/Supplier
Structural Analysis
3D Printing
June 11, 2015 | by DatapointLabs | views 5421
With the growing interest in 3D printing, there is a desire to accurately simulate the behavior of components made by this process. The layer by layer print process appears to create a morphology that is different from that from conventional manufacturing processes. This can have dramatic impact on the material properties, which in turn, can affect how the material is modeled in simulation. In the first stage of our work, we seek to test an additively manufactured material for mechanical properties and validate its use in ANSYS simulation using the Cornell Bike Crank model.
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Research Papers
3D Printing