Hubert Lobo is founder of DatapointLabs technical center for materials and its software partner Matereality. The two companies share a mission to strengthen the materials core of manufacturing enterprises. He has a degree from Cornell University and 25 years of experience in the science and testing of materials for use in CAE and new product development. He has been honored as a Fellow of the Society of Plastics Engineers, for his pioneering work in quantifying polymer behavior for CAE. Besides authoring numerous articles and books, including the Handbook of Plastics Analysis, he holds patents for test instruments and computer software.
June 14, 2017 | by Hubert Lobo | views 4881
DatapointLabs Technical Center for Materials has a mission to strengthen the materials core of manufacturing enterprises by facilitating the use of new materials, novel manufacturing processes, and simulation-based product development. A whole-process approach is needed to address the role of materials in this context. full post
Nonlinear Material Models
Structural Analysis
3D Printing
Materials Information Management
July 05, 2016 | by Hubert Lobo | views 4979
We will focus on our work related to the testing, modeling and validation of simulation for crash
and durability applications, including testing techniques, software tools for material parameter conversion, and
the use of a mid-stage validation process that uses standardized experiments to check the accuracy of the simulation prior to use in real-life applications. In addition, we present a short introduction to the Knowmats initiative which seeks to collect posts and links to papers from industry experts as a reference for simulation professionals. full post
High Speed Testing
Nonlinear Material Models
Structural Analysis
Universal Crash
April 28, 2015 | by Hubert Lobo | views 4166
High strain-rate properties have many applications in the simulation of automotive crash and product drop testing. These properties are difficult to measure. Previously, we described a novel inferential technique for the measurement of the properties of polycarbonate. In this paper, we demonstrate that the technique appears to work for a variety of polymers. We also show that plastics exhibit different kinds of high-strain rate behaviors
"Advances in the Measurement and Modeling of Plastics for Impact Simulations"
High strain-rate properties have many applications in the simulation of automotive crash and product drop testing. These properties are difficult to measure. Previously, we described a novel inferential technique for the measurement of the properties of polycarbonate. In this paper, we demonstrate that the technique appears to work for a variety of polymers. We also show that plastics exhibit different kinds of high-strain rate behaviors. It ... to view
"Progress on the Validation of Simulation for Ductile Polymers"
We will focus on our work related to the testing, modeling and validation of simulation for crash
and durability applications, including testing techniques, software tools for material parameter conversion, and
the use of a mid-stage validation process that uses standardized experiments to check the accuracy of the simulation prior to use in real-life applications. In addition, we present a short introduction to the Knowmats initiative which seeks to collect posts and links to papers from industry experts as a reference for simulation professionals. to view
"The Role of Materials in Simulation-Driven Product Development - Presentation"
Presented in the plenary session at the Swiss CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference; Winterthur, Switzerland; June 14, 2017. to view