G. Oberhofer, A. Bach, M. Franzen, H. Gese, H. Lanzerath
July 30, 2015 | by Helmut Gese | views 4616
"Today the automotive industry is faced with the demand to build light fuel-efficient vehicles while optimizing its crashworthiness and stiffness. A wide variety of new metallic and polymeric materials have been introduced to account for these increased requirements. Numerical analysis can significantly support this process if the analysis is really predictive. Within the numerical model a correct characterization of the material behaviour – including elasto-viscoplastic behaviour and failure - is substantial. The particular behaviour of each material group must be covered by the material model. The user material model MF GenYld+CrachFEM allows for a modular combination of phenomenological models (yield locus, strain hardening, damage evolution, criteria for fracture initiation) to give an adequate representation of technical materials. This material model can be linked to LS-DYNA when using the explicit-dynamic time integration scheme. This paper gives an overview on the material characterization of ultra high strength steels (with focus on failure prediction), non-reinforced polymers (with focus on anisotropic hardening of polymers), and structural foams (with focus on compressibility and stress dependent damage evolution) with respect to crash simulation. It will be shown that a comprehensive material model - including damage and failure behaviour - enables a predictive simulation without iterative calibration of material parameters. A testing programme has been done for each material group in order to allow a fitting of the parameters of the material model first. In a second step different component tests have been carried out, which were part of a systematic procedure to validate the appropriate predictions of the crash behaviour with LS-Dyna and user material MF_GenYld+CrachFEM for each material group."
G. Oberhofer, A. Bach, M. Franzen, H. Gese, H. Lanzerath
Mechanical Plastics Foams Metals Rate Dependency Yielding/Failure Analysis Automotive High Speed Testing LS-DYNA Research Papers
Determination and Use of Material Properties for Finite Element Analysis: Book Review
A Comparative Review of Damage and Failure Models and a Tabulated Generalization
A Constitutive Formulation for Polymers Subjected to High Strain Rates
Development of Material Input Data for Solid Elements under Crash Loads
Improved Plasticity and Failure models for Extruded MgProfiles in Crash Simulations