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Knowmats is an informal repository of information related to materials and simulation. The information helps simulation professionals perform best-in-class simulation with a better understanding of how materials are represented in FEA and simulation. read more...

Characterization of Damage in Hyperelastic Materials Using Standard Test Methods and Abaqus

Over the past couple of decades, standard test methods and material models have existed for rubber-like materials. These materials were classified under the category of Hyperelastic materials. Well established physical test methods and computational procedures exist for the characterization of the material behavior in tension, compression, shear volumetric response, tear strength etc. However, effective modeling of the fracture behavior of hyperelastic materials using finite element techniques is very challenging. In this paper, we make an attempt to demonstrate the use of such standard test methods and the applicability of such test data for performing finite element analyses of complex nonlinear problems using Abaqus. Our goal is to demonstrate the effective use of standard physical test data to model multi-axial loading situations and fracture of hyperelastic materials through tear tests and indentation test simulations. full post

Rubbers Material Supplier Industrial Goods Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis Abaqus Research Papers

A Robust Methodology to Calibrate Crash Material Models for Polymers

High strain rate material modelling of polymers for use in crash and drop testing has been plagued by a number of problems. These include poor quality and noisy data, material models unsuited to polymer behaviour and unclear material model calibration guidelines. The modelling of polymers is thus a risky proposition with a highly variable success rate. In previous work, we tackled each of the above problems individually. In this paper, we summarize and then proceed to present a material modelling strategy that can be applied for a wide variety of polymers. full post

Mechanical Plastics Aerospace and Defense Automotive Consumer Products Material Supplier Industrial Goods Packaging Home Appliances High Speed Testing Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis LS-DYNA Abaqus ANSYS MSC.DYTRAN PAM-CRASH Altair RADIOSS Research Papers

Datapoint Newsletter: Spring '09, Volume 15.1

DatapointLabs Featured in Technical Conferences. full post

Plastics Rubbers Foams Hyperelastic High Speed Testing Nonlinear Material Models LS-DYNA Abaqus Newsletters

Selecting Material Models for the Simulation of Foams 

We seek to lay down a framework to help us understand the different behavioral classes of foams. Following a methodology that we previously applied to plastics, we will then attempt to propose the right LS-DYNA material models that best capture these behaviours. Guidelines for model selection will be presented as well as best practices for characterization. Limitations of existing material models will be discussed. full post

Foams Automotive Consumer Products Material Supplier Packaging Home Appliances High Speed Testing Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis LS-DYNA Abaqus ANSYS MSC.DYTRAN Research Papers

Datapoint Newsletter: Spring '09, Volume 14.6

New Website: Your Lab at Your Computer. New Paper Available. full post

Rate Dependency Nonlinear Material Models LS-DYNA Abaqus Newsletters

Material Modeling of Soft Material for Non-linear NVH 

Abaqus’ Non-linear NVH capability permits the capture of material behavior of rubber seals and bushings, plastic parts and foam inserts which have a significant influence on the simulation. In this presentation, we discuss material calibration procedures for this application. full post

Plastics Rubbers Automotive Building Materials Material Supplier Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis Abaqus Presentations

Datapoint Newsletter: Winter '08, Volume 14.5

Simulation Tip: Interpreting Tensile Strength in the True Stress-Strain Environment. Partner Showcase: Abaqus. full post

Abaqus Newsletters

Datapoint Newsletter: Fall '08, Volume 14.4

A Makeover for DatapointLabs. full post

Rheology Thermal Mechanical Newsletters

Datapoint Newsletter: Summer '08, Volume 14.3

New 100kN Instron. New TestPaks Alliance Partner. Expanded Viso-Elastic Testing Capability. New at full post

Mechanical Viscoelastic SOLIDWORKS ANSYS FIDAP POLYFLOW Extrusion Newsletters

Simulating Plastics in Drop and Crash Tests 

If you want a crash simulation involving plastics to yield useful results, it is important to model the material behavior appropriately. The high strain rates have a significant effect on the properties, and failure can be ductile or brittle in nature, depending on a number of factors. full post

Plastics Aerospace and Defense Automotive Biomedical Consumer Products Material Supplier Toys/Sporting Goods Industrial Goods Packaging High Speed Testing Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis LS-DYNA Abaqus ANSYS MSC.DYTRAN PAM-CRASH Altair RADIOSS Research Papers