Volume 26.1
DatapointLabs Celebrates 25 Years of Putting Materials into Product Design |
With grateful thanks for the support of our clients and partners, DatapointLabs marks the 25th anniversary of our founding this year, with an enduring commitment to providing the material properties required for new product development, CAE simulation, and R&D. |
Since our beginning 25 years ago, we have continuously pushed boundaries to expand our capabilities in testing technology and methods, as well as in the types of materials tested. We now serve a global clientele of more than 1,800 companies in 49 countries. We partner with more than 20 software providers to support more than 30 simulation codes with TestPaks® to provide load-and-go material properties and formatted material input cards for CAE and FEA. Our seasoned, expert technical team operates ISO 17025 certified laboratories to test virtually any materials used in the products of today and those of tomorrow: metals, plastics, composites, foam, rubber, additive materials, films, and adhesives.
Since DatapointLabs and its affiliate, Matereality, were acquired by Applus+ Laboratories division in June 2018, our testing services and software offerings have been expanded and rebranded under the Applus+ name. Today, Applus+ DatapointLabs and Applus+ Software together provide expert material testing and digitalization software to improve the operational efficiency of materials and process engineering, test labs, and R&D. The flagship Matereality software offers material data visualization, CAE parameter conversion, and materials information management for manufacturing enterprises. While the Applus+ brand is new to us, the core strengths of the company remain unchanged over our 25 years of operation. Even more so in the challenging business environment since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company is committed to delivering quality material data for CAE and product development to our clients around the world.
A Brief History of DatapointLabs |
1995 - Founding of Datapoint Testing Services announced at SPE ANTEC '95 in Boston
1996 - First commercial lab to offer material testing on a 5-day turnaround
1999 - Created TestPaks: a single order, to obtain all the data and material cards for simulation: Moldflow,
Abaqus, ANSYS
2000 - Company name changed to DatapointLabs
2000 - DatapointLabs.com launched with web-enabled test catalog and order placement
2002 - Matereality.com founded, offering software for materials
2004 - Matereality cloud goes commercial, starts delivery of digital test reports for DatapointLabs
2005 - DatapointLabs offers rate dependent properties for crash simulations for automotive safety and light-
weighting applications
2009 - Patent issued for material data management
2011 - Patent issued for electronic lab notebooks (PicSci)
2014 - CAETestBench Validation service announced
2015 - DatapointLabs expands its services to help optimize new processes like additive manufacturing
2018 - DatapointLabs joins Applus+ Laboratories division; Applus+ DatapointLabs and Applus+ Software
brands introduced
2018 - eLim software for laboratory information management (LIMS) released
2020 - DatapointLabs celebrates 25th anniversary
2020 - DatapointLabs and Applus+ IDIADA partner to offer advanced failure model calibration for metals and
New TestPaks for GISSMO Added to TestCart Online Catalog |
Applus+ DatapointLabs and Applus+ IDIADA have worked together to develop advanced testing protocols and forefront CAE analysis to expand the understanding of material plasticity and fracture, and its consistent virtual implementation approach. Classic plasticity is applied for metals, while advanced pressure sensitive plasticity is utilized for thermoplastics. Material fracture is characterized using the LS-DYNA GISSMO model for reduced and fully integrated shell elements (ELFORM 2 and 16).The main drivers of the material fracture characterization are the accurate measurement in the lab of the actual material behavior, and the generation of the CAE material card, which captures the material plastic and fracture performance, thus ensuring a robust and reliable response when used in automotive full vehicle CAE models. Test data and simulation results are provided to clients on the CAETestBench cloud; this allows clients to use a number of evaluation tools in our software, including curve variability, to examine the variation between test and simulation. |
Two new TestPaks have been added to the TestCart online catalog:
- G-778I LS-DYNA SAMP+GISSMO shell element failure model for ductile plastic (MAT_187+GISSMO)
- G-776I LS-DYNA MAT_024+GISSMO shell element failure model for metals
About Applus+ IDIADA
Applus IDIADA is a global partner to the automotive industry with over 30 years' experience supporting its clients in product development activities by providing design, engineering, testing and homologation services. IDIADA's success in product development is built on a unique blend of highly experienced engineers, state-of-the-art test and development facilities and the constant drive towards innovation. The company has more than 2,750 professionals and an international network of subsidiaries and branch offices in 24 countries, ensuring its clients receive customized added-value solutions.
Upcoming Events |
DatapointLabs Technical Center for Materials will be participating at the following technical conferences. Look for us if you are attending, or contact us to set up an appointment to meet with one of our representatives there:
- See you at LS-DYNA Conference 2020, June 10-11, 2020; Online. DatapointLabs is a Bronze Sponsor;
- See you at Altair ATCx Automobile Conference, July 1, 2020; Paris, France.
- See you at Moldex3D Users' Meeting - North America, Sept 2-3, 2020; Plymouth, MI, USA. DatapointLabs is a Silver Sponsor.
- See you at CARHS Automotive CAE Grand Challenge, Sept 29-30, 2020; Hanau, Germany. Find us in Exhibitor Stand 5.
- See you at NAFEMS 2020 Nordic Regional Conference, Nov 16-17, 2020; Gothenburg, Sweden.
- See you at ESI Forum in France 2020, Postponed, Paris, France.
strengthening the materials core of manufacturing enterprises |
DatapointLabs Technical Center for Materials | 95 Brown Road #102, Ithaca, NY 14850 USA | T: +1-607-266-0405 | US toll-free: +1-888-DATA-4-CAE | info@datapointlabs.com