Hubert Lobo. International LS-DYNA Conference. 2006.
September 21, 2006 | by DatapointLabs | views 4656
The volume of plastics that are subjected to impact simulation has grown rapidly. In a previous paper, we discussed why different material models are needed to describe the highly varied behavior exhibited by these materials. In this paper, we cover the subject in more detail, exploring in depth, the nuances of commonly used LS-DYNA material models for plastics, covering important exceptions and criteria related to their use.
Hubert Lobo. International LS-DYNA Conference. 2006.
Plastics Aerospace and Defense Automotive Consumer Products Material Supplier Industrial Goods Packaging Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis LS-DYNA Abaqus ANSYS PAM-CRASH Altair RADIOSS Research Papers
A Robust Methodology to Calibrate Crash Material Models for Polymers
Simulating Plastics in Drop and Crash Tests
Determination and Use of Material Properties for Finite Element Analysis: Book Review
A Novel Technique to Measure Tensile Properties of Plastics at High Strain Rates
Material Modeling Strategies for Crash and Drop Test Simulation