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Marian Bulla

Marian Bulla has studied mechanical engineering in Iserlohn and at the RWTH Aachen. In his professional activities at Fraunhofer, Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen, PuZ and Imperia, he has gained extensive experience in computer crash simulation and in experimental research. Since 2008 he has been working as a specialist in crash and occupant simulation at Altair Engineering GmbH. He is the developer of /FAIL/BiQuad and co-developer of /FAIL/TAB1 failure models used in Altair Radioss software.

Influence of Material Scatter to Simulation Results with ALTAIR RADIOSS

Presented by Marian Bulla, Altair Engineering, at the CARHS Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2020. full post

Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis Altair RADIOSS Presentations Validation