June 09, 2015 | by PolyXtrue | views 4342
For two low-density polyethylenes and two polystyrenes,
axisymmetric and planar elongational viscosities
are estimated using entrance loss data from capillary
and slit rheometers, respectively. The elongational viscosity
is estimated by optimizing the values of various
parameters in the Sarkar–Gupta elongational viscosity
model such that the entrance loss predicted by a finite
element simulation agrees with the corresponding experimental
data. The predicted entrance loss is in good
agreement with the experimental data at high flow
rates. The difference in the experimental and predicted
entrance loss at lower flow rates might have been
caused by large error in the experimental data in this
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Research Papers
May 19, 2006 | by DatapointLabs | views 4325
The volume of plastics that are subjected to impact simulation has grown rapidly. In a
previous paper, we discussed why different material models are needed to describe the
highly varied behavior exhibited by these materials. In this paper, we cover the subject
in more detail, exploring in depth, the nuances of commonly used LS-DYNA material
models for plastics, covering important exceptions and criteria related to their use.
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High Speed Testing
Research Papers
April 23, 2003 | by DatapointLabs | views 4317
This book covers some of the most significant techniques used in modern analytical technology to characterize plastic and composite materials.
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January 11, 2016 | by Altair Engineering | views 4294
Finite element analysis contains assumptions and uncertainty from a number of sources, which can impact the fidelity of the simulation. This uncertainty is often left untested up to prototyping stages. DatapointLabs’ CAETestbench Validation service was developed to add a mid-stage validation step to a designer’s workflow, to test these simulations before parts are made, in order to build confidence in an engineer’s model beforehand. This validation step is illustrated in a 3D printing application.
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3D Printing
July 31, 2015 | by Massimo Nutini | views 4287
Questo articolo si propone di illustrare l’importanza dell’utilizzo di metodi per la misura
delle proprietà locali del materiale per determinarne la legge di comportamento.
Vengono di seguito presentati alcuni esempi che evidenziano quanto più accurate
e realistiche siano le simulazioni numeriche di test di trazione ad alta velocità su provini
di poliolefine, quando vengano utilizzate proprietà dei materiali rilevate con misure locali,
utilizzando metodi ottici. La disponibilità di misure locali e più accurate evidenzia come sia
necessario che nei codici di calcolo commerciali vengano implementate delle leggi
di materiale più sofisticate di quelle disponibili attualmente, che sono state per lo più
originariamente sviluppate per materiali metallici, e dunque non riescono sempre a predire
correttamente il comportamento dei componenti in materiali polimerici.
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Rate Dependency
High Speed Testing
Research Papers
May 28, 2010 | by DatapointLabs | views 4283
Material modeling has become increasing important as ANSYS software has added analysis capabilities such as non-linear CAE, crash, CFD, and manufacturing process simulation. Poor material representaion brings risk to CAE and product development. Material data needs for various material models are discussed.
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June 09, 2015 | by PolyXtrue | views 4278
Flow in a flat die with coat hanger type of manifold is
simulated allowing slip on die walls. Flow in the same die
was also simulated by enforcing the no-slip condition on
the walls. With slip on the die walls, the pressure drop,
shear rate, stress, as well as temperature increase in the
die, all were smaller than the corresponding values with
no-slip condition on the walls. For the case with slip on
die walls, since the shear rate is smaller, the elongation
rate in the die is found to be the dominant fraction of the
total strain rate. Due to its high computational efficiency,
the software employed in this work can be effectively
used to design extrusion dies for fluids exhibiting slip on
die walls.
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Research Papers
June 09, 2015 | by PolyXtrue | views 4275
Bi-layer flow in a profile coextrusion die was
simulated. Prediction of post-die changes in extrudate
profile was included in the simulation. Mesh partitioning
technique was used to allow the coextrusion simulation
without modifying the finite element mesh in the profile
die. Effect of polymer viscosities on the change in profile
shape after the polymers leave the die is analyzed. It is
found that a difference in the viscosities of the coextruded
polymers can lead to a highly non-uniform velocity
distribution at die exit. Accordingly, post-die changes in
extrudate shape were found to be widely different when
the polymers in the two coextruded layers were changed.
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Research Papers
March 18, 1994 | by DatapointLabs | views 4267
This book presents a valuable resource for engineers and designers seeking to apply structural analysis and other advanced methods to the design of plastic parts. The reader learns what to expect for the mechanical properties of polymers and develops a grasp of how plastics respond to various applied stress conditions. The book introduces mechanical tests and polymer transitions, moving onward into chapters on elastic behavior, creep and stress relaxation, dynamic mechanical properties, stress- strain behavior and strength, It also covers abrasion, fatigue, friction and stress cracking. Additionally, the effects of fillers and fibers on these properties are considered.
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Structural Analysis
Book Review
April 28, 2015 | by Tod Dalrymple | views 4258
The purpose of this document is to describe a variety of test data that we have for a particular grade of polypropylene and demonstrate a calibration recipe that focuses on the nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of the material below yield