By Daniel Campos Murcia and Brian Croop, Applus DatapointLabs
Presented by Daniel Campos Murcia at the OpenRadioss Users' Day, June 27, 2023; Aachen, Germany.
May 15, 2023 | by DatapointLabs | views 1724
Simulations play a crucial role in engineering and material science, and their success heavily relies on the accuracy of input data. Material testing, data conversion, fitting, and formatting are essential steps in the simulation process. This conference will highlight the importance of material testing requirements that extend beyond ISO and ASTM standards to obtain reliable data for input into various common material models, such as Elastic-Plastic, Hyperelastic, and Rate Dependent models. The complexity of foam materials is shown through a case study of successful validation of polyurethane (PU) foam ball drop impact test using LAW 90. PU foams exhibit high deformation with rate dependency in compressive loading, as well as viscoelastic unloading behavior. Proper handling of input test data and critical settings in simulation setup are crucial for accurate results. The case study will showcase our streamlined approach to successful simulation of foam materials, including challenges and limitations of current material models.
By Daniel Campos Murcia and Brian Croop, Applus DatapointLabs
Presented by Daniel Campos Murcia at the OpenRadioss Users' Day, June 27, 2023; Aachen, Germany.
Mechanical Foams Hyperelastic Rate Dependency Altair RADIOSS Validation