April 29, 2015 | by Patrick Cunningham | views 4507
This demonstration showing how to analyze plastic parts using finite element analysis was given by Patrick Cunningham at CAE Associates' Accurate FEA of Engineering Plastics seminar, held on October 14, 2014 in Tarrytown, NY.
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April 29, 2015 | by Datapoint Newsletters | views 4983
Validation is Focus of DatapointLabs Technical Presentations, New Combined Loading Compression Test for Composite Materials, Matereality Software for Your Product Development Team
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April 28, 2015 | by Matereality | views 11751
TPM has posted this 3 minute video on how to use the SolidWorks Materials Portal
Structural Analysis
April 28, 2015 | by Hubert Lobo | views 4203
High strain-rate properties have many applications in the simulation of automotive crash and product drop testing. These properties are difficult to measure. Previously, we described a novel inferential technique for the measurement of the properties of polycarbonate. In this paper, we demonstrate that the technique appears to work for a variety of polymers. We also show that plastics exhibit different kinds of high-strain rate behaviors
April 28, 2015 | by DatapointLabs | views 5202
There is interest in quantifying the accuracy of different material models being used in LS-DYNA today for the modeling of plastics. In our study, we characterize two ductile, yet different materials, ABS and polypropylene for rate dependent tensile properties and use the data to develop material parameters for the material models commonly used for plastics: MAT_024 and its variants, MAT_089 and MAT_187. We then perform a falling dart impact test which produces a complex multi-axial stress state and simulate this experiment using LS-DYNA. For each material model we are able to compare simulation to actual experiment thereby obtaining a measure of fidelity of the simulation to reality. In this way, we can assess the benefits of using a particular material model for plastics simulation.
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Rate Dependency
Research Papers
April 28, 2015 | by Paul Du Bois | views 4247
"The simulation of rubber materials is becoming increasingly
important in automotive crashworthiness simulations.
Although highly sophisticated material laws are available in
LS-DYNA to model rubber parts, the determination of material
properties can be non-trivial and time consuming. In many
applications, the rubber component is mainly loaded uniaxially
at rather high strain rates. In this paper a simplified material
model for rubber is presented allowing for a fast generation of
input data based on uniaxial static and dynamic test data."
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Rate Dependency
High Speed Testing
Research Papers
April 28, 2015 | by Tod Dalrymple | views 4258
The purpose of this document is to describe a variety of test data that we have for a particular grade of polypropylene and demonstrate a calibration recipe that focuses on the nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of the material below yield
March 20, 2015 | by Datapoint Newsletters | views 4951
DatapointLabs Celebrates 20 Years of Putting Materials into Product Design, Very High Strain-Rate Tensile Testing Up to 1000 /s, New Long Term Stress Relaxation Capability, Expanded Creep Testing Capacity
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March 12, 2015 | by DatapointLabs | views 5744
Finite-element analysis and injection-molding simulation are two technologies that are seeing widespread use today in the design of plastic components. Limitations exist in our ability to mathematically describe the complexity of polymer behavior to these software packages. Material models commonly used in finite-element analysis were not designed for plastics, making it difficult to correctly describe non-linear behavior and plasticity of these complex materials. Time-based viscoelastic phenomena further complicate analysis. Dealing with fiber fillers brings yet another layer of complexity. It is vital to the plastics engineer to comprehend these gaps in order to make good design decisions. Approaches to understanding and dealing with these challenges, including practical strategies for everyday use, will be discussed.
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Blow Molding
Injection Molding
Nonlinear Material Models
Structural Analysis
November 21, 2014 | by DatapointLabs | views 4755
Thermoplastic materials are one of the largest categories of materials to be injection molded. Simulation of the injection molding process requires sophisticated and exact material properties to be measured. This presentation will discuss the testing required to characterize a material for use in SIGMASOFT, as well as the significance of material model parameters. Differences in testing methodology for amorphous and semi-crystalline polymers will be covered, along with step-by-step implementation into the software to produce a successful injection molding simulation simulation.
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Injection Molding
Nonlinear Material Models
Structural Analysis