strengthening the materials core of manufacturing enterprises
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Materials in Simulation know your materials

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Knowmats is an informal repository of information related to materials and simulation. The information helps simulation professionals perform best-in-class simulation with a better understanding of how materials are represented in FEA and simulation. read more...

Datapoint Newsletter: Summer '12, Volume 18.3

Catalog Updates. New Digital Image Correlation Capability. full post


Pre-processor Software for Calibration of LS-DYNA® Material Models

LS-DYNA contains a wealth of material models that allow for the simulation of transient phenomena. These models are often quite complex and difficult to calibrate. We present CAE Modeler, a generalized pre-processor software used to convert material property data into material parameters for different material models used in CAE. In this paper, CAE Modeler is used to streamline the conversion of rate dependent stress-strain data into material parameters for the MAT_024 material model. The interactive software is capable of handling all three rate dependency options of MAT_024 and outputs a data file that can be read directly into LS-DYNA. Support for other material models is envisaged. full post

Rate Dependency Nonlinear Material Models Structural Analysis LS-DYNA Papers

Simplifying FEA Models: Plane Stress and Plane Strain

Even with powerful modern computers, there is often a motivation to use simplifying techniques in structural finite element analysis (FEA). full post

Structural Analysis

Matereality - HyperWorks Connectivity

Import your Matereality CAE Material cards directly into HyperWorks. full post


Improving Simulation Quality with Reliable Materials Methods

Keynote address delivered at NAFEMS seminar on "Material Properties in Structural Calculation: Modeling, Calibration, Simulation & Optimization." full post

Structural Analysis Presentations Validation Materials Information Management

Importing Matereality XML files into Moldex3D r13

Create a new material file in Moldex3D r13 from XML files generated by the Matereality CAE Modeler full post


Datapoint Newsletter: Summer '20, Vol. 26.2

Full Composites Testing Capabilities full post

Aerospace and Defense Automotive Structural Analysis LS-DYNA Abaqus DIGIMAT Composites Newsletters Altair HyperWorks

Create a New Material File in Moldex3D R15

Material Wizard provides two options to create a new material file, Custom: If you have property data of a new material, you can select Custom to add the property data into Material Wizard. From Exterior Sources: If you find a new material in other sources, you can convert other format of the material file into Moldex3D format of the material file. full post

Moldex3D Matereality

Enterprise-Wide Materials Data Management Ensures CAE Fidelity

Virtual product development today has become a complex process involving CAD, FEA, CAE, and physical testing. Material properties form the glue that link the simulation and real life behavior together. Most often, the properties of the materials used in different stages of the product life cycle vary depending on the application. Hence, the engineers and technicians within the enterprise need to have access to not just the simple single point properties that help determine the suitability of a material, but also the more detailed behavioral property data that affect design, simulation and failure analyses. A common platform for the storage and effective deployment of these properties system wide is critical to the efficiency, cost, and quality control through PLM. We present a technology, Matereality that accommodates diverse properties of all the different materials used by an enterprise, its suppliers and collaborators. The cost benefits are immediate, besides improved interoperability and consistency in material data use through the enterprise. full post

Matereality Materials Information Management

Datapoint Newsletter: Spring 2021, Vol. 27.1

DatapointLabs Will Move, Summer '21; Get Your Testing in Now. Partner Showcase: Altair full post

High Speed Testing Structural Analysis Composites Altair RADIOSS Newsletters